Monday, November 11, 2013

High Noon Illustration Progress


  1. The illustrations look awesome! Can't wait to see them in action! My only suggestion would be to enlarge the hands so they look a little more like wings but only function like regular arms. and the feathers could open up to look like fingers. That would help with your initial concern of it looking too humanoid

  2. These look great, but very time consuming. Are you doing frame by frame animation, or are you manupulating these images? It seems more likely the latter, but either way, great job so far.

  3. Looking good if you guys are animating yet the motions I highly suggest the puppet technique as it'll provide the fluidity you're striving to get.

  4. These look very clean, and your character development is shaping up. I'll just reiterate my advice from the last critique: some good research goes a long way aka look at cartoons that convey the tone and motion youre striving for in your own work.
    cartoon smears to give the illusion of fluid motion

  5. The character is looking great, how's your animation looking?

  6. Great job on the illustrations, I really like the style.

  7. The character is really well illustrated. I'm looking forward to seeing the final product.
